Goethe medal / 2016 / diameter 7om / solid and anodized aluminum

Citation from 'Faust' by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: 'Daß ich erkenne, was die Welt Im Innersten zusammenhält'

spielraum / 2015 / 12,3 x 2,9 x 3,34 cm / acrylic glass, 2 metal balls

The object is a game of patience about the success and failure in interpersonal contact. You can turn the game upside down and play from either side. The two balls can roll into the hollows of the two individual spaces left and right, but can also fall into the elongated hollow in the room they both have in common. Or they can fall through a hole.

fragile movement / 2014 / diameter 100mm, height 11mm / acrillic glass
The medal is about interpersonal contact.

Animation Till Hegewald. (Please be patient as the video may take a few seconds to load.)

living apart together / 2012 / diameter 90 mm, height 2.5 cm / polyacetal copolymer (POM-C), glass bead blasted

This medal was inspired by the interview by John Armitage with the French philosopher and architect Paul Virilio 'In de steden voorbij de stad' about the city as a place of direct interpersonal contact and the influence of the digital revolution on it. How do we live nowadays: together, or is it 'living apart together'?

Video.(Please be patient as the video may take a few seconds to load.)